Dear Citizens of Delhi, Crime in Delhi, as in any other city, occurs due to a variety of crimogenic factors including the size and heterogeneous nature of the population. This notwithstanding, we have been quite effective in taking action in controlling crime and arresting criminals. The crime in the first 6 months of the year decreased by 11.93% as compared to last year. A new dimension to public participation was introduced in the efforts towards prevention of crime. In the “Eyes and Ears” scheme rehriwalas, chowkidars, patriwalas, security guards, parking attendants, three wheeler/taxi drivers, bus drivers/conductors, porters, shopkeepers, property agents, second hand car dealers, landlords, members of RWA/MTA, cyber café owners, PCO owners, guest house owners and other alert citizens
Dear Citizens of Delhi,
Crime in Delhi, as in any other city, occurs due to a variety of crimogenic factors including the size and heterogeneous nature of the population. This notwithstanding, we have been quite effective in taking action in controlling crime and arresting criminals. The crime in the first 6 months of the year decreased by 11.93% as compared to last year.
A new dimension to public participation was introduced in the efforts towards prevention of crime. In the “Eyes and Ears” scheme rehriwalas, chowkidars, patriwalas, security guards, parking attendants, three wheeler/taxi drivers, bus drivers/conductors, porters, shopkeepers, property agents, second hand car dealers, landlords, members of RWA/MTA, cyber café owners, PCO owners, guest house owners and other alert citizens have been involved to provide information regarding suspicious activities of individuals and crimes. A new Toll Free No. 1090 has been activated on 18.1.2008 to enable public to share information and the identity of the informer is kept secret. Public participations in the Eyes & Ears Scheme has resulted in 84 cases being worked out till June 30th due to information received through this scheme. A link has been created on the Delhi Police Website to enable public to share information through “e-mail” that may help to prevent crime.
The induction of 116 motorcycles in the PCR in Jan. 2008 helped to substantially increase the number of the PCR fleet from 500 to 616 on the city roads and in reducing their response time to distress calls.
In view of the distorted police news reports being published, we have in our revised website introduced a link captioned “Rejoinders” in which rejoinders to various news articles are displayed. Considerable emphasis is being put on development on criminal intelligence and with the continual working out of cases and other measures mentioned above we are confident of keeping crime under control.
The Delhi Police has in the first half of this year achieved substantial results in detection of crime. Criminals carrying cash reward from Rs. 2,500/- to Rs. 5,00,000/- arrested by the Delhi Police include the notorious gangster Brijesh Singh @ Arun Kumar Singh who carried a cash reward of Rs. 5,00,000/-, Mahavir @ Don, Vijay Dahiya @ Bodha and Joginder Singh @ Joga are of whom had carried a cash reward of Rs. 50,000/- each. Total number of criminals carrying cash reward (amount wise). These criminals were wanted in the cases of murder, attempt to murder, robbery, kidnapping for ransom etc. Most of the sensational cases registered this year have already been worked out. Tremendous amount of hard work has been put to work out these cases, some of which were blind in nature and some of which involved intensive investigation in other states.
Delhi Police has been paying special attention to the safety of women and this has resulted in decline in rape cases for the third consecutive year. At the same time, detection in rape cases has gone up and there is a decline in the involvement of strangers. Emphasis has been laid to check crimes against women and to improve the sensitivity in response of the police. There is a increased presence of women functionaries at all levels of the districts. There has been a visible presence of women police at women colleges, market places etc. Safety of senior citizens continues to be an area of focus. We have been reaching out to senior citizens, registered with us, both on telephone as well as through personal visits. We are also pro-actively giving advice regarding steps to be taken to prevent crimes at home, safety of vehicles, money/jewelry etc. Intensive servant verification was taken up on an unprecedented scale from 12.05.08. As many as 7,63,492 houses have been visited and particulars of 36,064 servants have been obtained still a large number of servants have remained unverified for which efforts are under ways. We have taken the initiative of writing letters to the employers to impress upon them the need to get the servant verified.
Motor vehicle theft can be prevented if the citizens take initiative in installing anti-theft devices. A number of these are available in the market and do not cost too much. We have written to Auto Manufacturers to provide anti-theft devices at the time of manufacturing of the vehicles. We have also advised them to make it mandatory for retail showrooms from where the vehicles are sold to keep a complete set of auto theft devices and advice customers to install any of them at the time of delivery of vehicles.
Attention is also drawn to the success achieved by the Delhi Police in attempting to reduce the road accidents in Delhi in an effort to make the roads safer for its citizens. Fatal accidents have fallen from 1059 to 947 (a fall of 11%) till 30.06.2008 as compared with first 6 months of 2007. This has resulted due to various measures taken by the Delhi Police including additional deployment of manpower for special checking, mobile patrolling with 200 motorcyclist teams and multitasking of 50 PCR vans in traffic duties, TIs/ZOs are being tasked on ‘chase and challan’ duties, sending decoy passengers in plain clothes in blue line buses, focus on cases impacting fatal accidents such as dangerous driving, red-light jumping, over speeding etc., registration of cases u/s 279 IPC etc.
A word of thanks and appreciation to those citizens who displayed exemplary valour in catching criminals informed about activities of criminals. We are looking forward to greater cooperation from all segments of the society in our fight against crime. We appeal to all the citizens of Delhi to become the “Eyes and Ears” of the Delhi Police.