Tips for JMET Exam | JMET 2009
Tips and Strategies for JMET EXAM:
* Speed matters a lot. You have only 120 minutes in hand and 150 questions to attempt. Besides, you also need about 10 to 15 minutes for reviewing the answers at the end of the paper. Ideally, you should spend only 40 seconds on each here for download:
* English section is generally an easy one and has only average difficulty-level. They focus on grammar, synonyms, antonyms and analogies. The questions from the passage are direct too.
* Critical Reasoning section does have a few difficult and surprise questions but even if you skip them and manage well on average ones, you can still manage to secure a good enough score in this section. Data arrangement and linear arrangement are two very important topics that you should thoroughly practice in this section.
* Higher Mathematics and Geometry questions can be a bit tough while questions on Arithmetics and Number System are often easy or of medium level.
* Data interpretation section is quite easy and often requires good observation skills and comparison of values. Combination graphs, tables and sets are important topics that you should practice well for this section.
* Speed comes with practice. More you practice, more you will know about the type of questions that are generally asked. Hence, you can just skim through the instructions and save time.
* Trying your hand on variety of questions beforehand, will train your mind better for dealing with problem in hand. It will help you to recognize the pattern quickly and intuitively know what concepts and logic to apply for a particular question.
* Vocalizing sentences slows down your reading. Similarly, using calculators or pen and paper for calculations reduces your speed considerably. So, train yourself for doing mental calculations and read faster.
* If you are not sure about a question, leave it and attempt the next one. Once you have finished the paper, you can come back to it and attempt it by elimination method.
* Elimination method means ruling out the most improbable answers, thus narrowing down your choices. It will increase the probability of choosing the right answer. However, this method can only be applied to questions; you have a vague idea about.
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